The testimony of the sister, Malka Sharkey (Klimian):
We lived in Moshav Melilot at the south of Israel, near Netivot. My mother, may her memory be a blessing, gave birth at the maternity home in Beer Sheva. We are seven children today. We were eight.
When Malka, the eldest (I am named after her), was one year old, she felt unwell and my mother was told to take her to the hospital and leave her for the night. The next day she was told that the baby had passed away.
She asked to see the body and they told her they had already buried her. There is no death certificate and no burial place. She came home, she was a child herself,and she didn't understand anything.
My parents were alone.
My mother gave birth to another daughter, my sister, Simha, two years later. And I, Malka , was born one more year later. After sixteen years, a recruitment order arrived for my sister Malka. I was little. Only thirteen years old. I thought they might have been confused, that it was for me, I was happy.
Then it was the first time my mom shared with us the story. Until then, our parents didn't say anything. After that, I tried to ask more questions, but they didn't want to talk about it anymore.
My parents passed away. My father passed away two and a half years ago, and my mother twelve years ago. They didn't say another word about our sister anymore.
About a year ago (2019), I called your association, because there were elections, and my cousin is a secretary at the polling booth, where we lived when we were children. He called me and told me he saw my name in the list of those eligible to vote in this polling booth. As if I was living in a moshav Melilot, Malka Klimian.
I said it was impossible, because I got a voter invitation for my place of residence, Herzliya. I asked for the identity number, and I saw that it was a different number than mine.
I asked for the date of birth and then I realized: 1953, the date of the first Malka.
"After 16 years, a recruitment order came for my sister, Malka. I was 13, and then it was the first time my mother shared the story with us."