I was born on February 17, 1954 at unknown whereabouts, possibly not in Israel. I do not have a birth certificate, my identity card says I was born on this date in Jerusalem.
In 1956, when I was two years old, I was diagnosed by psychologist Ada Hagary, at unknown whereabouts. Several months after the diagnosis, I was given up for adoption to a childless couple, immigrants from Europe. They received an official adoption order in July 1957.
The documents I received after the adoption file was unsealed are partially erased and the biological family name is unknown. I was told that my original birth name is Rina and that this is probably my date of birth.
Genetic tests showed that I am a carrier of familial Mediterranean fever, which is characteristic of Mizrachi Jews.
I would like to find out what happened to me between the years 1954 and 1956, it is unclear to me where I was born, where I spent the first two years of my life and who looked after me during that time.
I am interested in enlightening this lack of knowledge.
I would like to find out what happened to me between the years 1954 and 1956, it is unclear to me where I was born, where I spent the first two years of my life and who looked after me during that time.