Married in Aden on Purim 1947
Born in Aden 1949
From Hashed, to Jordan, to Israel, to the Atlit camp
The child was taken to the nursery healthy, 10 days old.
After two and a half months, in the winter, he caught a cold.
The doctor recommended that he be taken to Rambam with a messenger, Dugma.
He stayed in Rambam for 10 days and recovered.
Every day she visited him but did not nurse.
She would look at him through the glass and hitchhike back to the camp.
After 10 days, he was returned to our camp well and healthy.
She asked the doctor if it was possible to nurse him after 10 days, and he said yes.
My mother was 16 years old.
She started nursing him in the camp clinic and the baby ate and spit up, and then the messenger took him to the hospital.
And after 10 minutes he came back to the shack, to my mother, and said he was dead.
I asked “Where?” and “I just want to see him.”
I was pushed aside and told it was impossible to see him, and the messenger left the place and disappeared, and she just did not stop crying.
The messenger’s name was Shimon Dugma, who was of Yemeni descent and would take children and disappear.
And there was a rumor all the time in the camp that children were being kidnapped. And we didn’t believe it had happened.