The Hazan family immigrated to Israel in September of 1952 from Djerba, Tunisia, via the immigration camp in Marseille, and then Shaar HaAliya in Haifa. The father, Skiri (Issachar), the mother Fortuna, the eldest son, Ephraim, nine years old, the second son, Shimon, four years old, and another son Yehuda, two years old. They were housed in Ma’abara (transit camp) A, shack 111 in Pardes Hanna. At the end of 1953 (it seems), the brother, Binyamin, was born. A few months later he fell ill, and was sent to Rambam hospital. During one of the visits the parents were told that he had died. There was no burial. And there was difficulty dealing with the ordeal as time passed. Today, he was supposed be approximately seventy years old. After him were born Avraham (1955), and the sister, Bracha (1960).
Captions for the accompanying photos:
In the Ma’abara, the mother Fortuna is holding her son Yehuda in her arms. Next to her stand her brother - Ma’atuk and his wife Reena. Seated are Ephraim, the eldest and Shimon, the younger.
Picture of the parents. The father has light colored eyes, and the brother, Shimon, may he rest in peace,, remembered that Binyamin had light colored eyes.
Picture of the mother (grandmother) Fortuna
The brothers seated (as written)
Ephraim with Bracha and with Yehuda.
There are the details I managed to draw out from my husband Ephraim, from his brother, Yehuda, and his sister Bracha.
Hava Hazan
A few months later he fell ill, and was sent to Rambam hospital. During one of the visits the parents were told that he had died