Following the testimony of Susie, A nurse and caretaker from Batar Hospital in Haifa- this is Dr. Mehta Margalit – who is subject to suspicions raised by a nurse, a midwife and a mother who was hospitalized there.
Dr. Mehta Margalit worked in Batar, a private maternity hospital in Haifa, and was the hospital's director after its founder, Dr. Batar, passed away in 1968, until 1995 (Dr. Margalit died in 2005). The allegations were not only directed only at her: In two news reports by Carmela Menashe in Ha’Arutz Ha’Rishon, (The First Channel, Israel's Broadcasting Service), the nurse and the midwife (nurse Susie Miller, pictured) reported trafficking that had taken place in the hospital, orchestrated by the hospital's management. The midwife said they were instructed to hide the newborn babies: “As soon as the babies were delivered they were covered so the mothers could not see them..” (as shown in the video). So far, we know of two women who testified to giving birth to a living baby, but getting told that their child died: the mother of Gil Grinboim (59’) and the mother of Dudu Dahan (69’). In both cases, obviously, there is no signature of the biological mother on the adoption papers. Dudu Dahan’s mother specifically remembers Dr. Margalit as the one who denied her requests to see the baby; this was also mentioned by the nurse who was interviewed for the article.
The National Commission of Inquiry has never investigated the hospital’s staff and neither did the police.