Abraham and Mazal Salem

Tsiyon Salem was born on February 29, 1952. When he was five months old he was hospitalised in the Dajani hospital in Jaffa for a hernia. After a number of days Tsiyon's mother was told that he would be released and that she should go home to bring clothes. When she returned she was told he had died and was buried. Mother cried and went wild, asking to see his body. They refused and ejected her without death and burial certificates, she returned home without Tsiyon, broken and frustrated.

She cannot believe that in Israel Jews would kidnap children. The wound still bleeds today. It’s been a private holocaust for the Yemenites, for six decades. We are the third generation in Israel and the state refuses to reverse the decision to seal the documents for seventy years, and to reveal the protocols. The state cannot keep us quiet forever until all the individuals involved have passed. And to add another seventy years, until 2071...If they acted legally, what are they afraid of, and why do they have to hide the truth from the public?