The one-year-old boy named Israel was born in 1952 to parents Shlomoh Zalman and Dvorah who lived in a transit camp Fridshik street 16, Magdiel.
Israel suffered a bit from diarrhea; the father took him to the doctor, who said to take his son to Malben hospital in Pardes Katz and warned the baby’s father not to go to Beilinson!!
The father arrived at Malben with the baby. They told the father “leave him here until tomorrow and then take him home.” The next day, when the father came to the hospital, they told him: Your child is deceased, then the father started to cry and asked for the body so that he could arrange a funeral.They told him that in Israel there is a law that funerals and burials you do at the hospital, you can go home.
My father-in-law was gentle, not the type to act out, so he left the hospital weeping. When he got home his wife asked him “where is Sroulik?", so he told her what happened, she started to cry and pull her hair and screamed at him why did you leave? I wouldn’t have moved from there!.
About ten years ago, my sister-in-law went to see a lawyer and they reached a point where they showed her the grave, that’s where we stopped. They offered us to open the grave but eventually we didn’t do anything with it. That's where we stopped because they told us that it was a sensitive issue and there was no chance for us to find anything.
We hereby attach documents in our posession, the death certificate that my sister-in-law received from the Ministry of the Interior. (It was not easy, she came to the clerk who might have been new on the job, because she immediately produced the death certificate. But after printing it out she saw something didn’t look right and consulted with a senior clerk who got very angry at her, but my sister-in-law already had the document in her hands.
In the death certificate there are a few odd things it saysthat the baby's father’s name is "Khalson" when it is actually Shlomoh Zalman. Also, in the “sex” whether it is male or female it’s written as "unknown".
Additionally, we obtainedthe baby's identification details from a Ministry of Interior registry and it is attached here as well. (There is a contradiction between what we obtained from the Ministry of Interior and what is on the registry .
The death certificate says Deceased on 26 Tishrei, 5713, 15\10\1952.
In the registry of the Ministry of Interior it says he died on 12 of Tishrei, 1\10\1952.
It also says in the registry that he died at the age of 65, very strange!! When it was mentioned previously that he was born in 1951.
In the registry the sex is marked as: "female" while he was named Israel..
In the death certificate the sex is "unknown".
In both the registry and the death certificate the father’s name is written as Khalson whereas the father's name is Shlomoh Zalman.
Attached is also a copy of the ID cards of both parents of the abducted baby Shlomoh Zalman and Dvorah Dvorkin.