My grandfather and grandmother immigrated to Israel from Yemen in '49, good hearted people, innocent, righteous in my eyes. Unfortunately they also had a baby kidnapped from them. I don’t know exact details because the story is taboo in the family, but I know that the baby was two-years-old and they named her Avigail. She was slightly ill and arrived at a hospital, they told my grandmother that they will treat her [the baby] and that she should go back to look after her other children. The next day when she returned they told her that the baby had died. When my grandmother demanded to see her, after much convincing they allowed her to do so. My grandmother told me that she looked at the baby through a glass wall, they did not allow her to approach the baby, and the baby was asleep and not dead. She tells that that's not what dead people look like, with redness in their cheeks and a living appearance. She pleaded that they allow her to hold her, but they pushed her and told her to leave, that the girl was dead, and that they will bury her. And my grandmother, in her innocence, left. But until this day she regrets not causing chaos, until this day she is full of feelings of guilt that she left the baby and walked away even though her heart told her not to. I think that this is why we don’t talk about it at home, it seems to me that my grandmother is embarrassed to open-up this issue. I understand her, and I don’t pressure her. It upsets me that a woman as good hearted and innocent as my grandmother fell victim to such evil, a victim to feelings of guilt that consume her from the inside. I wish I could find out more, to document my grandmother's words as I understand you are doing, but unfortunately this issue is too painful even after all of these years. I just wanted you to know that there are families that this awful thing happened to, but they are simply unable to talk about it because of the shame.