Yitzhak and Saada Nahmani

My father's name is Yitzhak Nahmani, my mother's is Saada Nahmani. They immigrated from Morocco in the year 1950. My sister's name is Miriam Nahmani. she was probably born in 1952 and disappeared at the age of around seven months, in 1953. I have my father's ID. My sister Miriam is not listed on the certificate. In the certificate are listed me, Rivka, who was born on 5/25/1951, my brother Michael, who was born on 3/29/1954, and my sister, Sylvia, on 4/5/1955. The girl was in a children's home in the Talpiot neighborhood in Jerusalem, where my parents lived. My mother was weak and not feeling well. One bright day they came (went) to bring Miriam home. They were told that the girl was sick, and they took her to a hospital. Probably Bikur Holim. My father went there and visited her every day. One day when he arrived, the bed was empty. He asked the nurse where the girl was and was told she had died. Hopefully, we will find out what happened to her. I would like to see her birth certificate and death certificate. Thank you very much if you can help me.

My father went there and visited her every day. One day when he arrived, the bed was empty. He asked the nurse where the girl was and was told she had died